Health Articles


夏季的高温会导致中暑,这是一种非常严重的疾病,也是医疗紧急情况. 它可以逐渐发生,也可以突然发生,即使你没有其他与热有关的伤害迹象. Symptoms of Heatstroke 恶心,呕吐,癫痫,精神错乱,迷失方向,尽管体温高,但出汗少...

HPV Vaccine Protects Against Certain Types of Cancers

人类乳头瘤病毒(HPV)疫苗可以预防HPV感染的癌症. 某些类型的HPV可导致口腔癌和生殖器癌. 在初次接触病毒之前接种HPV疫苗对预防感染非常有效. Similar to the need to put a helmet on...

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Heals Wounds, Saves Lives

Oxygen. 这种无色、无臭、无味的气体可以治愈伤口,逆转辐射灼伤,挽救生命! 高压氧疗法利用这种神奇的物质来治疗严重的感染, bubbles of air in blood, and chronic wounds such as diabetic foot ulcers, nonhealing ulcers due to underlying chronic bone...

Inspire Sleep Apnea Innovation

Do you utilize a CPAP machine for sleep apnea? Inspire Sleep Apnea Innovation could help. 估计有1800万美国人患有睡眠呼吸暂停症, 经常使用CPAP机器来获得更好的睡眠. 现在有一种治疗睡眠呼吸暂停的新方法...

Know the Risk Factors of Colorectal Cancer

March is National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month, 这是提高人们对这种影响140多人的疾病的认识的时候,000 Americans annually. Colorectal cancer, or CRC, is the second deadliest cancer in the United States, 但它可以通过定期筛查来预防或早期发现...

Know the Signs of a Heart Attack

学会识别心脏病发作的迹象,以防止它造成永久性的损害. 心血管病人护理协会创建了早期心脏病发作护理(EHAC)倡议,以鼓励早期识别, 特别是在症状轻微和处于早期阶段时....


身体疼痛以许多不同形式和程度的不适呈现给人们, 并源于包括事故在内的多种因素, illness, lack of exercise, improper lifting and more. 对于那些患有急性和亚急性疼痛的人,有各种形式的治疗...

Pain Relief with Iovera

当膝盖疼痛或功能障碍使你不能做你最喜欢的事情时, 为你寻求个性化的治疗是很重要的. 圣弗朗西斯骨科研究所的专家为病人制定专门的治疗计划...

Protect Yourself From the Sun

孩子和大人都喜欢在夏天的几个月里到户外去. Whether swimming, mowing the lawn or walking the dog, 保护自己免受太阳有害紫外线伤害的最好方法是穿长袖和长裤或涂防晒霜. When picking...

Rehab Reduces Risk of Repeat Fractures

Broken bones heal, but they can break again. The older generation is particularly at risk. Patients with osteoporosis have low bone density, which means that if they fall, 他们更有可能骨折一次或多次. To prevent broken bones in the...

RSV in Infants and Young Children

呼吸道合胞病毒(RSV)是一种可引起呼吸道感染的空气传播病毒. It is most severe in infants and the elderly, 而毛细支气管炎和肺炎的最常见原因是一岁以下的孩子. Premature infants, infants under the...

RSV: What to Look For

呼吸道合胞病毒(RSV)正在全国各地迅速感染许多幼儿. 开普医师协会的执业护士Erika Westrich对什么是呼吸道合胞病毒有了深入的了解, ways to prevent it, symptoms to look out for and more. What is RSV? “Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is...

Surgery at Saint Francis

手术室(OR)在医疗保健中是一个独特的环境. It depends on teamwork, 任何选择手术室作为职业的人的沟通和手术良心(伦理/道德). 除了提供身体修复的明显目标, another is to keep Saint Francis Healthcare System...

The Benefits of Breastfeeding

Martha Margreiter, MD 母乳喂养对婴儿的发育是至关重要的. Martha Margreiter, MD, pediatrician at Poplar Bluff Pediatrics, 解释了母乳喂养带来的各种好处. “毫无疑问,母乳本身就能促进婴儿的最佳健康和发育. It is uniquely...


职业治疗和物理治疗是两种主要的康复形式,帮助个人获得或恢复他们的运动和机动性. 然而,一个常见的误解是,这两者是可以互换的. 虽然它们都提供了类似的护理功能,但它们在...

The Importance of Flu Shots

随着一年的结束,一年一度的流感季节也在加速到来. Marc Lumsden, DO, 开普医师协会的家庭医学医生, 解释了冬季来临时注射流感疫苗的必要性和好处. "During colder months, the flu virus tends to be...

What is Cardio-Oncology?

心脏肿瘤学是一门专注于预防和保护癌症患者心脏的医学学科, during and after cancer therapy.   Why is Cardio-Oncology Needed? 众所周知,许多癌症治疗可能会导致心脏病. 癌症患者的风险要高出两到六倍...

Women and Heart Disease

心血管疾病是美国女性死亡的主要原因, resulting in one in three deaths each year, according to the American Heart Association. 因为女性心脏病发作的症状与男性不同,所以很多女性都有可能患心脏病...